
TMK’s Machinery day 2023 18.11.


TMK’s Machinery day is once again here!


We welcome everyone to see TMK’s new factory expansion and new products on 18th of November. This year TMK’s Machinery is held on Saturday (18.11. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) as opposed to last few years, so it’s easier for working people and families to participate. And what’s best is that this year’s event is held entirely indoors excluding the demos which are held on the yard surrounding the factory. The event begins at 10 a.m. with a opening of the expansion and reveal of new products. After this there is going to be many things to do for the whole family during the day.

There will be a lot of things to see at the Machinery day, and in addition to our own product launches and machinery, there is going to be other vendors showing of their equipment including but not limited to Komatsu Forest, Avant, Conexx and Bayerncar. You can be sure there will be activities for all ages!

We are raffling a change to get on a helicopter flight during the Machinery day, so make sure to participate in our Facebook event page here!




TMK Machinery

Komatsu Forest


Konemyynti K. Kauppinen Oy




Rengasliike Paussu

K-rauta Hankasalmi


Mäkinen Works

PTA konemyynti


Get to know TMK’s different departments

As our production facilities are doubled there is going to be a change for everyone to get to know TMK’s different departments as the employees will display their works. The ones interested will get to know how our product’s journey starts at the engineer’s desk and moves from there to production, where the product is manufactured and finally how the product is marketed and sold around the world.

Deparments showing their work:

– Assembly
– Surface treatment
– Hand welding
– Robot welding
– Packaging
– Manufacturing execution
– Product design
– Software development
– Marketing
– Sales



You can find local restaurant Grillroom from the Machinery day, it has been voted as the second best burger restaurant in Finland.

Jari-Pekka gas station is located about 100 meters from our factory and it has very wide selection of foods (Subway, Kotipizza, Hesburger etc..)

Snellman sausages
Snellman is offering sausages for the first 500 people, the sausages can be roasted on the campfire on TMK’s yard.



10.00 Comissioning of the factory expansion & revealing of the new products
10.45 Cake and coffee for the first 300 people
11.30 Demos #1
12.00 TMK MultiGrab skill competition starts
12.30 Demos #2
13.00 Sausage roast & photo wall starts
13.30 Demos #3
14.00 Announcement of the skill competition winner
14.30 Demos #4
15.00 Event ends


TMK’s Machinery day is an event that makes it possible to really get to know TMK and see all kinds of machines. There is going to be something for everyone!

At TMK’s factory in Hankasalmi (Pieksämäentie 15 B, 41520 Hankasalmi)

Saturday 18 of November 2023 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Head on over to our Facebook event page, there is going to be many interesting things there!

TMK’s Machinery day 2023 event page

We are updating the page as we have more to share!